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Top level | cellula Short Extended |
Level 2 | cellula nervosa Short Extended |
Level 3 | neuron Short Extended |
Current level | interneuron excitatorium |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:68646 | |
FMA:67513 | |
FMA:72300 | |
FMA:70333 | |
FMA:54527 | |
FMA:67313 | |
TAH22577 | |
TAH:E22579 |
interneuron excitatorium
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
22579 |
interneuron excitatorium
excitatory interneuron
8818 | part |
interneuron excitatorium isocorticis ; interneuron spinale isocorticis
excitatory interneuron of isocortex ; spinous interneuron of isocortex
8819 | part |
neuron stellatum spinale isocorticis
spinous stellate neuron of isocortex ; spiny stellate cell of isocortex
9403 | part |
interneuron excitatorium gyri dentati
excitatory interneuron of dentate gyrus
9404 | part |
neuron muscosum gyri dentati ; neuron stellatum gyri dentati
mossy neuron of dentate gyrus ; stellate neuron of dentate gyrus ; mossy cell of dentate gyrus; stellate cell of dentate gyrus
8794 | part |
interneuron excitatorium striati
excitatory interneuron of striatum
8795 | part |
interneuron cholinergicum striati
cholinergic interneuron of striatum ; aspiny type II cholinergic interneuron
9367 | part |
interneuron excitatorium bulbi olfactorii
excitatory interneuron of olfactory bulb
9368↓ | part |
neuron juxtaglomerulosum bulbi olfactorii
juxtaglomerular neuron of olfactory bulb ; juxtaglomerular cell of olfactory bulb; short-axon cell
22681 |
interneuron excitatorium nuclei cochlearis posterioris
excitatory interneuron of posterior cochlear nucleus
8053 | part |
neuron granulare
granule neuron; granule cell
22606 |
interneuron excitatorium corticis cerebelli
excitatory interneuron of cerebellar cortex
8237 |
neuron granulare
granule neuron; granule cell
8243 |
neuron penicillatum
unipolar brush neuron; unipolar brush cell
8002 | part |
interneuron excitatorium cornus posterioris
excitatory interneuron of posterior horn of spinal cord ; excitatory interneuron of dorsal horn
7824 | part |
cellula centralis transiens laminae spinalis II
transient central cell of spinal layer II
7825 | part |
cellula radialis laminae spinalis II
radial cell of spinal layer II
7826 | part |
cellula verticalis laminae spinalis II
vertical cell of spinal layer II
7844 | part |
interneuron excitatorium zonae intermediae
excitatory interneuron of intermediate zone
7867 | part |
interneuron excitatorium
excitatory interneuron
20 items
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
9368 |
There are many types of Short-axon cells described by among others Blanes, Cajal (Vertical cell), Golgi and Van Gehuchten (Mori K 1987) Membrane and synaptic properties of identified neurons in the olfactory bulb. Prog Neurobiol 29:275-430; Shepherd GM, Chen WR, Greer CA 2004 Olfactory bulb. In: Shepherd GM, ed: The Synaptic Organization of the Brain, 5th ed. Oxford Uniersity Press, New York, pp 165-216). As in TH, these cells are not included.
Signature |
Type of list | T4 |
List Unit Identifier | 22579 |
Number of children | 19 (validated) |
Number of units | 20 (validated) |
Signature | 8741 (validated since 4.12.2018) |
Date: 09.07.2024 |