Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

interneuron excitatorium

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Current level interneuron excitatorium
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
interneuron excitatorium
excitatory interneuron
8818 part
interneuron excitatorium isocorticis ; interneuron spinale isocorticis
excitatory interneuron of isocortex ; spinous interneuron of isocortex
8819 part
neuron stellatum spinale isocorticis
spinous stellate neuron of isocortex ; spiny stellate cell of isocortex
9403 part
interneuron excitatorium gyri dentati
excitatory interneuron of dentate gyrus
9404 part
neuron muscosum gyri dentati ; neuron stellatum gyri dentati
mossy neuron of dentate gyrus ; stellate neuron of dentate gyrus ; mossy cell of dentate gyrus; stellate cell of dentate gyrus
8794 part
interneuron excitatorium striati
excitatory interneuron of striatum
8795 part
interneuron cholinergicum striati
cholinergic interneuron of striatum ; aspiny type II cholinergic interneuron
9367 part
interneuron excitatorium bulbi olfactorii
excitatory interneuron of olfactory bulb
9368 part
neuron juxtaglomerulosum bulbi olfactorii
juxtaglomerular neuron of olfactory bulb ; juxtaglomerular cell of olfactory bulb; short-axon cell
interneuron excitatorium nuclei cochlearis posterioris
excitatory interneuron of posterior cochlear nucleus
8053 part
neuron granulare
granule neuron; granule cell
interneuron excitatorium corticis cerebelli
excitatory interneuron of cerebellar cortex
neuron granulare
granule neuron; granule cell
neuron penicillatum
unipolar brush neuron; unipolar brush cell
8002 part
interneuron excitatorium cornus posterioris
excitatory interneuron of posterior horn of spinal cord ; excitatory interneuron of dorsal horn
7824 part
cellula centralis transiens laminae spinalis II
transient central cell of spinal layer II
7825 part
cellula radialis laminae spinalis II
radial cell of spinal layer II
7826 part
cellula verticalis laminae spinalis II
vertical cell of spinal layer II
7844 part
interneuron excitatorium zonae intermediae
excitatory interneuron of intermediate zone
7867 part
interneuron excitatorium
excitatory interneuron
20 items
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
There are many types of Short-axon cells described by among others Blanes, Cajal (Vertical cell), Golgi and Van Gehuchten (Mori K 1987) Membrane and synaptic properties of identified neurons in the olfactory bulb. Prog Neurobiol 29:275-430; Shepherd GM, Chen WR, Greer CA 2004 Olfactory bulb. In: Shepherd GM, ed: The Synaptic Organization of the Brain, 5th ed. Oxford Uniersity Press, New York, pp 165-216). As in TH, these cells are not included.
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 22579
Number of children 19 (validated)
Number of units 20 (validated)
Signature 8741 (validated since 4.12.2018)
Date: 09.07.2024